Quite the discerning wine palate. Let the tannins settle and savor the flavor profile - vanilla, butterscotch, used-chimney. Enjoy your next pinot, you oenophile you.
「Vineyard」venueに3回チェックイン、もしくは「Wine Bar」か「Wine Shop」に5回チェックインで解除。「Vineyard」の場合は日にちを分ける必要があります
A bakers dozen of bakery visits! You must really love the fresh-baked goodness of baguettes and beignets. Why not reward yourself by curling up with a nice croissant?
Congratulations! Your blood donation may have just helped to save a life.
“Donation Red Cross” とシャウトしながらチェックインすることで解除
That's over 100 days you've checked-in at the same place! You should have your photo hanging on the wall by now. Seriously, if they don't let you, just hang it up yourself.
Over 1000 check-ins!? Thank you 1000 times over! Treat yourself to 40% off some cool shirts at store.foursquare.com (using your unique code). We’d give you 1000% off, but that don’t make no sense! It’s a super tiny gesture of our immense appreciation.